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Trusted Risk Advisors With Data-Driven Solutions

Every day, our engineers, analysts, consultants and auditors provide technical and management support services to hundreds of companies and government agencies operating in the U.S. and around the world. Our Global Government team leverages ABS Group's safety and risk expertise to bring the right personnel with the right experience, knowledge and capabilities to meet the needs of diverse organizations.

For over 20 years, ABS Group's Government team based in the Washington D.C. area has provided safety and risk management solutions to support leading agencies and the public sector. With safety, risk and integrity management at the core of what we do, our trusted independent safety and risk advisors deliver risk, reliability and recovery solutions to safeguard the organizations that power, fuel and regulate our world.

View Startup and Recovery Services for Critical Infrastructure

Agency Vehicles and Contracts

ABS Group has long-term alliances based on a commitment to innovate and build tailored solutions for clients. Explore our portfolio of Government Contracts and contact us to learn more about how we can support your safety, risk and compliance initiatives.

View Contracts

Natural Hazards Risk Management

Hurricane Preparedness - Be Ready

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June until November. Two key ways to weather safety are to prepare for the risks and to act on those preparations when alerted by emergency officials. Refer to FEMA's hurricane preparedness guide for next steps to plan, prepare and respond to national weather events.

Rapid Response to Dynamic Operational Risks

ABS Group's expert analysis is derived from deep functional knowledge and domain expertise. We work closely with both industry and regulators to understand commercial and public needs in order to develop solutions. Our collaborative culture, view of changing market conditions and regulatory insights enable us to respond quickly to help clients solve their most pressing safety and risk challenges.

Our Global Government team offers services spanning six major capability areas. Risk management is a core competency and foundational to all of our services. Our full set of integrated technical and management consulting services help our government customers manage their entire risk portfolio, confirm compliance with requirements, safely and securely perform activities and maximize organizational performance.

View Incident Investigation and Emergency Response Services

Full Suite of Integrated Advisory and Support Services

Risk Solutions

Safety Assessment

Asset Lifecycle Support

  • Acquisition Support
  • Reliability Engineering
  • Inspection, Testing and Evaluation
  • Reliability-Centered Maintenance
  • Machine Learning and Root Cause Analysis
  • Enterprise Asset Management

Security Advisory Services

  • Security Vulnerability Assessments
  • Requirements Compliance
  • Decision Tool Development
  • Special Event Planning
  • Mitigation Plans
  • Cybersecurity

Operational Performance

Training, Exercises & Preparedness

Darrell Barker (left) and Ben Harrison (right) investigating incidents onsite.

Risk Matters X.0 Podcast - Episode 7: Beirut Explosion - How have major industrial incidents, transportation accidents, terrorist attacks and natural disasters changed our understanding of risk? In the first installment of our Catastrophic Risk Series, host Matt Mowrer seeks answers about the Beirut explosion from experts at ABS Group's Extreme Loads and Structural Risk division. This specialized engineering team analyzes blast effects to understand how we can make buildings safer and more resilient to withstand man-made and natural disasters. Incident investigators Darrell Barker and Ben Harrison share their technical insights on what we know about ammonium nitrate and what we can learn from catastrophic incidents to improve awareness and better manage risk.

United States Coast Guard Risk Program

For over 20 years, we have been the U.S. Coast Guard's principal service provider for tasks related to risk analysis/management, risk-based decision making (RBDM), risk model development and consequence assessments. In the mid-1990s, we developed the USCG's RBDM Guidelines, which provided the foundation for the Maritime Security Risk Analysis Model (MSRAM) and the National Maritime Strategic Risk Assessment (NMSRA) methodologies. We have continually improved the NMSRA program through the execution of the 2004, 2006, 2009 and 2012 NMSRAs. We have also been the sole service provider to the MSRAM program since its inception in 2005. Our team has provided over 138,000 hours of staff support to MSRAM in a wide range of disciplines including methodology development, software development, data analysis, training, briefing support, meeting facilitation, threat assessment, vulnerability modeling, game theory application and consequence assessment.

Chemical Facility Antiterrorism Support

ABS Group has been an industry leader in assessing and managing risk to critical infrastructure since the company's founding in 1971. With decades of experience working in the oil, gas and chemical, industrial manufacturing, pharmaceutical, nuclear power, water/wastewater treatment and transportation industries, we have been the trusted provider of chemical industry subject matter expertise to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Infrastructure Protection and Infrastructure Security Compliance Division (ISCD) since September 2008. The primary focus of this partnership has been to provide ISCD with technical support for implementing the Chemical Facility Antiterrorism Standards (CFATS), 6 CFR Part 27, which regulates chemical facilities that present a high level of security risk.

Energy Safety Regulations

ABS Group served as the Certified Verification Agent for the Block Island wind farm, the first commercial offshore wind farm in U.S. waters, in support of the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC), the permitting agency responsible for overseeing that wind farm operations conform to state regulations. We also provided an offshore wind inspection safety assessment for the U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSSE) to deliver insights into risks that need to be assessed in order to promote safer, more reliable wind inspection activities.

"ABS Group's independent evaluation of the design, construction and installation of the Block Island Wind Farm was integral to the process outlined in the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan, and brought integrity and additional transparency to the project." - Grover J. Fugate, CRMC Executive Director

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